Paul Stannard
World Digital Foundation & Nano Media Group
Successful media, investment and technology entrepreneur and is currently Chairman of World Digital Foundation and Nano Media Group as well as Chairman and Trustee of World Science Aid since 2015. He has a global network in investment, technology and media. Previously held senior positions at a number of FTSE companies. Paul has started and sold numerous start-up technology and media companies to listed companies over the last 35 years and was instrumental in developing technologies that changed the way markets and industries operate internationally. He is also an international keynote speaker on Disruptive Innovations such as quantum dots, digital assets, nanomedicine, and media. He has won over a dozen awards in business, media and technology. His last company was responsible for developing the first online applications for news and now produces mobile applications for over a thousand media companies globally with a monthly audience in excess of 2.5bn.
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